How Financial Forecasting Liberates Energy
Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash
I don’t know about you, but I want my energy to be clear, focused, and unencumbered in 2023! I’m executing some big changes in my business that need space to breathe and grow.
To enjoy increased energy and vitality means releasing anything draining and only keeping things that increase my life force energy. Is anything draining your energy that you are contemplating releasing as we move into 2023?
I know I need to release two clients that don’t fit my business model. They are wonderful people, and their businesses differ from my ideal clients, which causes friction. They aren’t easy for me to hand over to my bookkeeper and take time away from other things I am building. Because of this, they are last on my priority list, which isn’t fair to them.
Letting go is hard, but I know it is best for all concerned. I have been putting it off like it will take care of itself in the future. It hasn’t, and now it’s time to act.
Why do I resist? There are two reasons why releasing them is difficult.
Being Overresponsible for Others: I don’t want to disappoint them, and I know that finding a new accounting solution is a burden. I must remind myself that I am not responsible for anyone else or their feelings. I am responsible for listening, acting from my knowing, and trusting when something isn’t right for me and my business. I can be kind, compassionate, loving, and helpful during the transition.
Lack and Scarcity Thinking/Feeling: The other thing is that even though I know it’s right for me to release these clients, I can go into lack and scarcity based on my past experiences.
I know I create my life and finances and trust in the future revenue of my business, and growing up poor; I can go back into holding on too tight to things that aren’t the right fit.
I use my Forecast to put it in perspective to combat lack and scarcity.
I turn to my Forecast to calm myself down and ground into the reality of the numbers. Evaluating this decision in the context of the entire ecosystem of my business helps me see it clearly and balances out the emotions.
My intention is to live a life guided by my higher knowing and connection to Spirit, and I have received clear guidance in this area. These two clients are a small piece of my overall revenue. When I remove the revenue from my Forecast and factor in some needed price increases, I see that I can let them go and experience an overall revenue increase. This means I am doing less work for more money and have liberated energy by making changes that align with where my business is going.
I will bless and release them with love and be kind and gentle with myself as I do hard things. Is there something in your heart that you know is right for you and your business that you are putting off doing?
Write to me at and let me know so I can support you.
With Love,