How to Use Gratitude as a Tool to Increase Revenue: A Financial Forecasting Success Story
Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash
Today I want to talk about the power of gratitude. Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches that gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership. When we receive something, we feel gratitude. Gratitude and receiving are connected.
We often feel gratitude AFTER we receive something, but we can use gratitude as a powerful catalyst by flipping the equation to feeling gratitude BEFORE something happens.
Feeling gratitude before we receive the results we want is a part of The Financial Forecasting Framework.
We create our Vision and Financial Forecast, which is the clear intention of what we want to happen. We feel gratitude as we imagine our vision coming true, meeting our revenue goals, and having enough profits to cover the needs and wants of the business and ourselves.
We practice feeling gratitude at the end of each Forecasting session. We call it in when we feel that gratitude. We put ourselves in a state of receivership that draws the results we want into our lives.
I want to share the story of one of the participants in The Financial Forecasting Experience:
This participant is changing her business model from selling individual sessions to a retainer model and significantly increasing her prices. When we Forecast, we look at where our revenue comes from and what percentage of income each revenue stream accounts for.
She shared that when doing the Forecast, she saw that a significant amount of revenue came from her longtime recurring clients. Even though many of them are grandfathered in at a lower price than she is now charging, she felt grateful to them for supporting her as she ascends to the next level in her business.
Well, a fantastic thing happened. One of the clients she sees once a month told her that she convinced her company to pay for coaching.
She took this opportunity to tell this client about her new retainer packages because with her client’s company paying for it, it made sense that the company would pay a rate that was in line with what executive coaching costs.
This engagement went from $1,500 a year to $10,000 a year in revenue! That is a significate increase!
She said she was amazed because as she put her new retainer packages out into the world, it never occurred to her that some of her regular clients might fit into this new model.
It came in a way that she didn't even expect it. It feels like magic, and she created it. She called it in by being grateful for her regular clients, asking for what she wants by creating the offer of the retainer packages, and Forecasting the profits she desires, and here it is happening in her life.
These things happen all the time with forecasting. I can't tell you how many times I've received a text message from a client after a Forecasting session where they say things like; I just closed this deal, I just got this contract, etc.
This work is powerful, and It's working on many levels. We truly are the creators of our lives.
Gratitude is a powerful energy to work with. Please think about how you could add gratitude to your success equation.
With Love,
PS. - If this story excites you and you would like to join us next time, get on the waitlist for the round of The Finacial Forecasting Experience here.